Preferred file types: 300 Dpi Jpeg, Adobe Illustrator (Ai), Adobe Photoshop (Psd), Eps vector files, png.
* If your uploaded design requires us to do any additional graphic work or retouching, you will be notified about additional charges by one of our designers.
Email [email protected] to Check out our custom pieces gallery to see examples of what we are capable of.
Original artwork and concepts are welcome!
Custom pendants are typically $35
Once your order goes through you will receive a confirmation email and one of our designers will contact you.
*Custom orders generally take at least 3 weeks for shipment after art work and payment is received.*
International Orders can take up to 4 weeks for delivery.
We answer orders in order we receive them. If you don’t hear a response, please be patient.
* We do not refund any custom orders once the customer has approved*